Friday, July 26, 2024

More adventures of Poppy

I had two days away with Jan this week, long travel means lots of chatting and lots of ideas being talked over, among them  Jan asked if I could make her an Olympic mascot for her classroom, I said yes not knowing what the mascot looked like expecting  some cute animal I found I was faced with making a hat.
I’ve made plenty of small hats,  hats for dolls and also their birthday hats and witches hats, so I guess one with legs is not much different.. here is the result.
Poppy decided she wanted her photo with the mascot before it went away, we got the photo good timing as Jan arrived then.
Then I had an idea and this is the result, what better than pretend to be in Paris.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Poppy and the Snowman

This is a picture story for the book I am making for Eve, the idea of the snow man story came from Jackie and I borrowed her little Halloween ghost to use as the snowman, bought a photography backdrop of a winter scene, was a bit dissapointed when it arrive but today it worked perfectly
Poppy wanted to make a snowman, slowly he was coming together, now he needed a face....
Rose came to see the snowman, well done Poppy he looks great.
Rosie took a photo of Poppy and the snowman

Sunday, June 30, 2024

New month and a new dress

Poppy is starting the new month with a new dress, this was fun to make working out how to use the small scaps of fabric I had. The fabric is a Liberty print, which really suits the dolls being light weight.
Today the weather is really wintery, wet and windy,however although rather cool we did have some nice weather over the weekend and I managed to pick myself a bunch of violets, the scent of which I am enjoying. Plans for the new month, the dolls and I have been invited out mid month so wardrobe checks will be needed before then, and also the Wellington Westfields are coming up for a visit during the school holidays.I have some dresses made for Eve's Barbie doll, not a doll I enjoy sewing for, might just buy something in future. I am thinking about a middie Blythe doll for her next birthday and yes with lots of dresses.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Have been a busy few weeks mostly spent working on research and the computer, lovely today to have that project completed and to have time with the dolls, took some photos for Poppy's birthday story, here she is writing the invitation to send to Rosie inviting her to come to the party.
and playing pin the tail on tne donkey at the party.
Rosie had her photo taken her new ball gown .
new month coming and i have new ideas to get busy stitching..... back in a week with an update.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Dress for June

June is birthday month for Rosie,its hard to belive its only tnree years this month that she arrived, Ive had lots of fun stitching outfits for her so the new dress this month is for her and needs to be special. I only had a small scrap of pink silk that I had kept for a long time, added bullion stitch roses and tiny butterflies these are made for decorating finger nails but I think they work perfectly on the dress.