Sunday, June 30, 2024

New month and a new dress

Poppy is starting the new month with a new dress, this was fun to make working out how to use the small scaps of fabric I had. The fabric is a Liberty print, which really suits the dolls being light weight.
Today the weather is really wintery, wet and windy,however although rather cool we did have some nice weather over the weekend and I managed to pick myself a bunch of violets, the scent of which I am enjoying. Plans for the new month, the dolls and I have been invited out mid month so wardrobe checks will be needed before then, and also the Wellington Westfields are coming up for a visit during the school holidays.I have some dresses made for Eve's Barbie doll, not a doll I enjoy sewing for, might just buy something in future. I am thinking about a middie Blythe doll for her next birthday and yes with lots of dresses.

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